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step out of line: understanding the neurobiology of defiance + moral courage

Why is it so hard to step out of line—even when we know it’s the right thing to do?

From our earliest years, we’re conditioned to follow rules, stand in line, and avoid conflict. This deep-seated programming, combined with the neurobiological wiring that governs fear and defiance, can make it incredibly difficult to challenge authority, speak up against injustice, or take courageous action—especially in times of crisis.

But here’s the thing: moral courage isn’t something you either have or don’t—it’s a skill you can cultivate. In this interactive workshop we’ll explore the neurobiology of defiance and provide practical tools for building the inner strength, resilience, and clarity needed to step up, speak out, and lead with courage—even when it’s uncomfortable. 

This workshop is virtual and will take place via zoom.

Suggested donation $129 or pay what you can and pay it forward in some other way in the future when you’re able. Please note that a percentage of all proceeds will be donated to the ACLU.

June 8

hold the line: navigating moral injury + staying true to your values

June 29

rooted + resilient: practical strategies for navigating stress, anxiety, and overwhelm