I am not a mental-health professional. The information about trauma and mental-health issues I share in my work come from resources I’ve consumed, training programs I’ve been through, and personal experiences.
As a coach, I am unable to provide information that may be construed as legal advice, financial advice, or mental health counseling. I will promptly notify you if our discussions veer into that territory.
I take great care with the stories I share in my work, ensuring that they communicate my perspective rather than telling other people’s stories or making assumptions about their intentions or feelings. I often choose to share stories from my former work as a government employee that I feel can assist other leaders in determining the healthiest and most productive ways to be human within systems that aren’t designed to preserve the humanity of the people working within them.
My intention isn’t to call out individuals but rather to advocate for change across mission-driven, trauma-exposed sectors. My aim is to shed light on the organizational lack of awareness, lack of intention, and lack of policies that continues to impose untenable expectations on humanitarians and leads them to deprioritize their own health and well-being in the name of service and productivity.
In some cases, I will change names and other identifying details at the request of the people involved or for my own personal reasons. Any stories about refugees or asylum seekers I’ve interviewed or that are told from the perspective of a refugee are a compilation of multiple refugee stories or narratives to protect individuals’ privacy and ensure that no story can be attributed to any particular refugee or asylum seeker or put them in harm’s way.